Our Numbered Days - Neil Hilborn

When you're dumb enough for long enough, you're gonna meet someone too smart to love you, and they're gonna love you anyway, and it's gonna go so poorly, Neil Hilborn writes in his debut full-length collection, OUR NUMBERED DAYS. In 2013, Hilborn's poem "OCD" went viral, and has amassed over 11 million views to date. While this collection ruminates on love, heartbreak, and mental illness, these poems are anything but saccharine. Hilborn uses the same humor and self-deprecation that propelled "OCD" to success in order to make his unmatched vulnerability all the more powerful. Ultimately, Hilborn is a poet of the people: his work is accessible, honest, and entertaining a revitalizing entry in contemporary poetry.


So, I'll have to admit I spend so much time with my head stuck in a book that I missed the viral sensation that was Hilborn performing 'OCD' (don't fear after reading this anthology I have now watched a fair few of his performances on YouTube!)  The stand out poem for me was 'OCD' (despite having missed the hype) the way it pulls you into its happiness then breaks your heart is powerful. I also loved 'liminality', 'here and away' & 'little poems'. Overall this collection is touching, raw and honest. 



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